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Emdoneni News

Emdoneni News

St Lucia in all it’s beauty

The Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park The Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park – now known as the iSimangaliso Wetland Park – was declared South Africa’s first Natural World Heritage Site on 1 December 1999. It is considered South Africa’s third largest park and extends from Mapelane (Cape St. Lucia) in the South, to Kozi Bay Nature Reserve in the North. The iSimangaliso / Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park incorporates Lake St Lucia, the St Lucia and Maputaland Marine Reserves, the Coastal Forest Reserve and Kosi Bay Nature Reserve. The park has 280km of near pristine coastline and comprises of 328 000 hectares of magnificent scenery. Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park encompasses an immense mosaic of habitats ranging from marine systems (coral reefs and beaches) and coastal forests (from salt and fresh water marshes to the open estuarine waters of Lake St Lucia itself) from lush coastal plains to the drier woodland areas. This is a remarkably beautiful place in South Africa. The park is situated in the southern end of the Mozambique coastal plain near the towns of St Lucia, Mtubatuba, Hluhluwe, Mkuze, Mbaswana and Manguzi. This is a transitional zone in terms of fauna and flora between the temperate forms of the south and the tropical forms in the north and many species are endemic to this coastal plain. The protected area is home to the largest population of hippopotamus and approximately 1,000 crocodiles as well as a wealth of plant and animal life. The largest mammal found in the Greater St Lucia Wetlands Park is the humpback whale and on land the African Elephant. In 2001 Elephant was introduced into the wetlands system and this has brought this area closer to “big five” status and has re-introduced a key ecological vector. Other mammals include Buffalo, Rhino, Zebra, Eland and Kudu. Wildlife Safaris on horseback is an extraordinary experience as the game see you as part of the horse and don’t frighten easily which affords you the opportunity to get up close to the animals. Of great interest is the staggering array of birdlife to be found in the St Lucia Wetlands. Over 500 different species of birds are resident or pass through the wetland system annually and comprise of marine, wetland and forest birds. The park has one of the most diverse variety of frogs and their choruses can often be heard at night and on dull rainy days. The highly endangered gaboon adder and a large variety of other snake species reside in this subtropical coastal dune forest. Other reptiles, such as the marine turtles, the Leatherback Turtle and Loggerhead Turtles utilise the protective beaches of the St Lucia Wetlands Park to breed in November of each year. The St Lucia Wetlands Park is a popular destination and offers a wide range of activities. Fishing, boating and bird-watching, scuba-diving, hiking and camping are all on offer and the region offers marvellous photographic opportunities to the amateur and professional photographer alike.   Credit: SA Venues

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Emdoneni News

Cat Releases

Emdoneni Cheetah Project is a unique project in Zululand, a project that is not focused on the quantity of cats held, but on the quality of existence for the few cats we have and giving their offspring the opportunity to be rewilded and to live a free life back in their natural environment, caring and hunting for themselves. In South Africa there are very few institutions of this nature that are willing to depart with their cats without being remunerated for them. Emdoneni‘s policy has always been not to sell any of our cats and that the aim of the project is to rehabilitate areas in Zululand and other areas that these cats were previously indigenous too, but became extinct. Up to date, 17 serval cats has found their home back into the wild from Emdoneni, our first cheetah is in the process of being rewilded and was donated to Gondwana Game Reserve in the Cape. This cat’s market value is around R130 000 today, but we chose to release her free of charge, as this is what we stand for. In addition, 11 caracal and 2 African Wild Cats has also been released in back into the wild on various private game reserves in Zululand. Rewilding is a slow process, after the kittens are born, the mother has to raise them for almost 8 months and then they will stay at the project until about 14 months, until they are capable of being released. To put this in prospective for people to understand, these specific cat’s food, veterinary cost, camps, water supply, etc. until the day they are released, are fitted by the project. The reasoning behind doing 2 daily tours at the project is to raise funds so that the project can be self-funded. Many people visiting the project do not see or realize the work and efforts to run a project like this and the financial implications to do so. We have never had one negative comment about or animal husbandry and over the last year have improved the projects facilities, for example size and quality of camps, veterinary rooms, new freezer room and food preparation facilities, etc. This is all funded by visitors, including the running cost of food, salaries, veterinary bills, etc. We see the guided tours as a necessity to keep the project alive, as other institutions rely on donations and others rely on the sale of their offspring to fund their projects, not mentioning animals that are being bred for hunting purposes. 1. Wildcat release Another successful release! Our first 2 African Wildcat released in Zululand. They were born of Apple and Khaya, our resident African Wildcats. They were raised naturally by their mother until they were 6 months old. We then isolated them in a wilding enclosure until now. They were successfully released on a private game reserve. 2. Serval release Grasslands and savannah of iSimangaliso – optimal habitat for serval survival (Read more) 3. Zera release Zera is currently in a 3 hectare area and she is adapting well to her ever increasing world.  Zera was bought at a high expense from a breeder.  When she arrived at Emdoneni she was really sick, malnourished and in a sad state… with the necessary love, medical care and attention she pulled through and became this amazing very special cheetah.  She spent a couple of years with us whilst planning her release.      

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Emdoneni News, Hluhluwe KZN

Zulu cuisine

Zulu cuisine offers marvellous menus for travelling taste buds. From the comfort of isibhede and phutu porridge to the intoxication of utywala beer and the fiery perfection of chakalaka relish, Zulu dishes are seasoned with history, infused with culture and full of fine flavours. The foundations of Zulu cuisine are sorghum and maize starches, which are generally eaten as polenta-like porridges or drunk in the form of beer. Isibhede is a fermented porridge, which tingles on the tongue,while phutu is an unfermented, crumbly porridge. Amahewu is a non-intoxicating grain beer while utywala is a highly alcoholic brew. Of secondary starch status in Zulu food are amandumbe, fibrous root vegetables similar to the sweet potato. Historically the Zulus were a rich and powerful nation with large cattle herds. Zulu cooking reflects this history with high levels of beef and dairy in the traditional diet. Milk is consumed in a soured form known as amasi while meat is stewed or grilled over an open fire. Traditionally meat is portioned according to gender and age with adult men eating high status portions such as the head, liver and right-front leg. Boys are allocated the feet, lower leg portions and lungs. Tripe and ribs are considered suitable for women. The liver is perceived to be the site of human bravery much as the heart symbolically stores this character trait in Eurocentric food culture. Meat is commonly eaten with a spicy vegetable relish known as chakalaka, providing evidence of the cultural and culinary fusion legacy of Zulus living and working closely with the large number of South Africans of Indian origin who also live in the KwaZulu-Natal province. DID YOU KNOW? Zulus traditionally sprinkle dried pelargonium leaves on dishes as an indigenous spice. Credit: http://www.southafrica.net

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Emdoneni News

Emdoneni Lodge cheetah incident

Following an official investigation into the Emdoneni Lodge cheetah incident in which a New Zealand teen suffered minor lacerations, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife has concluded that the 12-month-old cheetah had merely been playing when it scratched Isaac Driver. Read more here: http://zululandobserver.co.za/…/investigation-puts-cheetah…/ WildSeriesTrail News24.com Sunday Times ZA Beeld.com Zululand Observer PublicationsNZ Herald Blood Lions Save the Rhino International

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