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Amazing facts about the Cheetah

The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 113km/h. They can accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in just 3 seconds. Amazing Facts About the Cheetah Built for speed, cheetahs are slender, with long thin legs and a long tail. They have coarse, short fur that is yellowish tan in colour and covered in solid black spots. Black tear-shaped streaks on the face help to reflect the sun when hunting. Adults weigh around 46–158 lb (21–72 kg). How many spots do cheetahs have? Cheetahs have between 2,000 and 3,000 spots, which help them to camouflage themselves. Where do cheetahs live? Previously, cheetahs were wide-spread across African and Asian continents, but now they are confined mostly to dry open grasslands of Sub-Saharan Africa, with the majority inhabiting natural reserves or parks. What do cheetahs eat? Cheetahs are carnivores, so rely on meat for survival. Their diet is made up primarily of smaller antelopes including springbok, steenbok, Thomson’s gazelle, impalas, and duiker. Cheetahs will also feed on wildebeest calves and, occasionally, smaller animals including rabbits, hares and birds. How often do cheetahs drink? Cheetahs have evolved to live in an environment where water is scarce, and can survive on one drink every three to four days. Are cheetahs solitary? Female cheetahs are solitary, living alone or with their young. Males however, live in small family groups of 2–3 brothers, known as coalitions.    How fast can cheetahs run? The cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. They can accelerate from 0 to 68 miles per hour in just three seconds. Cheetahs are the only big cat that can turn in mid-air while sprinting. How does the cheetahs tail help when running? Cheetahs long muscular tails have a flat shape that is used for balance and steering. The tail essentially acts like a rudder on a boat. Where do cheetahs give birth? Cheetahs start reproducing at a young age; males at the age of one and females at two. There is no specific breeding season and cheetahs will mate with many individuals throughout their lifetimes. Male cheetahs do not remain with the females after mating, and do not play any role in rearing young. Female cheetahs on the other hand are caring, affectionate and dedicated mothers. Following a pregnancy of three months, female cheetahs will give birth to a litter of 2–8 cubs in a secluded spot such as a rocky outcrop or marshy area with tall grass. Cubs are vulnerable to predators, and many do not survive the first year. Initially, mothers leave the cubs hidden whilst hunting, but cubs will start accompanying her at around six weeks. How long do cubs stay with their mothers? Female cheetahs spend a long time caring for their cubs and teaching them essential survival skills like hunting. Cubs typically stay with their mothers for one and a half to two years. What is the biggest threat to cheetahs? Cheetahs are classified as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. With around 10,000–12,000 individuals left in the wild, cheetahs are Africa’s most endangered big cat. Historically, cheetahs have been hunted for their fur, but today some of the biggest threats to their survival are loss of habitat, and competition for resources. Cheetahs require large areas of land for survival, so increased human settlements and road construction in their habitat puts them at risk.   Source: onekindplanet.org

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Cat Information, Emdoneni News

Fun Facts About Cheetah’s

  Known for being the world’s fastest land animal, the cheetah is a large feline that can run up to 75 miles per hour in short bursts to cover distances up to 1,600 feet and accelerate to over 60 miles per hour within just three seconds! Easily recognizable from the other popular big cats for their spotted coat, characteristic “tear stripes” from the corner of the eyes, and smaller size, the cheetah possesses a lean, long-legged build manufactured for speed. Read on to learn more fun facts about cheetahs and find out why this fast cat is a true marvel of evolution. CHEETAH HABITAT WHERE DO CHEETAHS LIVE? Historically, cheetahs were once found throughout all of the African and Asian continents from the far reaches of South Africa all the way to India. However, the species is now confined to parts of eastern, central, and southwestern Africa with small isolated populations found in southwestern Asia. Still retaining a rather wide distribution through most of sub-Saharan Africa, including Zambia, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe, the largest populations of cheetahs today are found on African natural reserves or parks. Found mostly in grassy savannah plains, scrub forests, grasslands, and semi-arid deserts, cheetahs need to inhabit areas that are infinitely open with plenty of area to roam or run after their prey. Since cheetahs rely on being able to camouflage themselves in the grass while stalking after their dinner, the animals are mostly seen in areas that have thick vegetation and where their favorite foods are located.   CHEETAH DIET WHAT DO CHEETAHS EAT? As a truly carnivorous animal that depends on meat for survival, the cheetah utilizing its speed to hunt various prey that inhabit the open or partially open savannah. In general, the diet of the cheetah consists of gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas, and smaller hoofed animals in its habitat. Furthermore, cheetahs may eat rabbits, birds, hares, antelopes, and warthogs. Since water can be very scarce in its native land, cheetahs have the ability to survive with just one drink every three or four days. Camouflaged against the tall grasses, cheetahs quietly sneak up on their prey until they are confident about the attack, burst out using their tail as a rudder, trip the animal with their paw, and then suffocate it with a bite to the neck. After making the kill, cheetahs must eat quickly or drag the food to a hiding spot before any lions, leopards, or hyenas steal it. While they may be the speediest animal, only half of the 20-60 second hunts are actually successful.   PHYSICAL TRAITS Since the animals can reach top speeds in no time, cheetahs have a slender body frame that is both lightweight and aerodynamic. Averaging a shoulder height of 30 inches, most cheetahs are between 110 to 140 pounds on their small stature. With long legs, loose hip joints, and a flexible spine, cheetahs have the ability to cover up to 25 feet in one stride. Their muscular legs mainly consists of fast twitch fibers to contract much faster than normal, while their wide nostrils and lungs provide more oxygen for sprints. As one of the species’ trademark features, cheetahs have coarse short fur that is tan with round black spots and black “tear stripes” running from the corner of the eyes down the side of the nose for keeping sunlight out of their eyes. While it is generally shorter-bodied, cheetahs are taller and have a longer tail ending in a bushy white tuft for a more streamlined appearance. Designed to grip the grass floor, the cheetah has blunt non-retractable claws for traction.   BEHAVIOR Unlike lions or hyenas, cheetahs are diurnal animals with poor night vision that prefer to hunt their prey through the daytime hours, especially in the late morning and early evening. While they are typically solitary animals and females generally raise their cubs in solitude, they are thought to be the most sociable big cat because siblings stay together for six months after leaving the mother and male cheetahs sometimes live with a small group of brothers from the same litter for life. Males are often aggressive towards other males when battling to mate with a female, but cheetahs will give up their catch to another larger animal to avoid a fight. REPRODUCTION Maturing rather rapidly, males are ready to mate when they are one year old and females will be ready to do so when they are two years old. As animals that engage in a behavior called polygyny, male and female cheetahs will mate with many different members of the opposite sex during their lifetime. After a female gives birth, she will feed the young milk from her body, protect them from predators, begin teaching them to hunt, and eventually leave them alone at one year of age. MATING SEASON Unlike most other big wild cats, cheetahs breed throughout the year without a regular established mating season. However, the seasons where there is a better food supply is when most of the breeding will occur. GESTATION PERIOD Once fertilization has occurred, the pregnancy period will last for approximately three months and the male cheetah will not remain with the female after mating. TYPICAL LITTER SIZE After gestation, female cheetahs can give birth to a litter of up to eight cubs. Since the young cheetahs are at particular danger of attack from predators, the cubs have a distinctive smoky coat color with wooly hair down their backs to camouflage them in the tall grass. POPULATION According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, it is estimated that there are between 9,000 and 12,000 cheetahs remaining in the wild in Africa with a small pocket of around 200 cheetahs living in isolation in Iran. Once a wide-ranging species with over 100,000 the range a century ago, the dramatic decrease in cheetah population is alarming. THREATS TO CHEETAHS While they may be the fastest land animal, wildlife biologists have begun to question whether they can outrun extinction. Currently

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